Hello Everyone!
Ferrum Network & Unifyre Wallet
We are now officially partnered with Ferrum Network & will be listed on their wallet within the next 24 hours of this article being published. You can read more about this full partnership & what this means for BONK here.
//////////////////////////// This was the NFT image that I designed for the FRM event. Going further we will distribute these in an accordance with the FRM community in celebration for the event. Just another reason to be a BONK holder!
|B.--. ||O.--. ||N.--. ||K.--. |====================================
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| ()() || :\/: || ()() || :\/: |====================================
| '--'B|| '--'O|| '--'N|| '--'K|==============BONK==================
BONK NFT Promo for day 1 staking
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~~~~~~~~~~/******* //******* /** //***/** //**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~/////// /////// // /// // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
At long last I can now reveal the design for the first users who staked BONK on day one! You will be receiving these soon as we distribute to the addresses!
BONK token art / meme contest (Ends 8/19/2020)
To celebrate the success of BONK token so far, we want to host a contest for the community! With BONK moving into the realm of NFTs, there are so many possibilities for art and memes that could be turned into NFTs themselves. As such, this contest is going to have a 2 part reward. The winners will receive BONK, and their art will also be turned into an NFT that will never be created again, an absolute unique copy.
Contest Details:
1 Grand Winner, determined by votes from the community, will receive 200 BONK and their submission will be immortalized as a future Epic NFT.
The next 3 entries with the most votes will win 100 BONK each, and their submissions will also be immortalized as a future Rare NFT.
The BONK winnings will be sent on 08/19/2020. Upon creation of these 4 NFTs in the future, they will immediately be sent to the accounts who submitted the entry.
BONK Accomplishments since our last article
Coinbase Tracker: https://www.coinbase.com/price/bonk
Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bonk/
Uniswap Vision: https://uniswap.vision/?ticker=UniswapV2:BONKUSDC
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bonk-token
Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0x6d6506e6f438ede269877a0a720026559110b7d5